David Dub
When thinking about the amount of things I enjoyed about my experience with this company, it wasn't a simple list of a few things. And from that list, to dwindle it down to only ONE thing I consider to be the best, was quite difficult- Until I remembered that it really wasn't a "thing" I liked best about SM55, but rather a person. I must admit that thee best attribute this company offered me is AJ (Anour Jallouga).
I'm unsure what I would've done with out all the confidence AJ (aka Anzour Jallouga), was able to under promised & he over delivered to me. Like who tf does that?! Riiight?! ? He was also calm & reassured me whenever I felt unsure.
He seems to possess, what I'd personally consider, a God given gift, to truly connect on a personal level while remaining extremely professional. That isn't easy for anyone to do. I don't care who you are.
Also, his ability to treat me like a real person, as opposed to just another number on a to do list was refreshing and appreciated. He didn't rush through any of our meetings, email/phone conversations that followed and went out of his way to make sure my questions were always answered and that I felt comfortable.
Some people, that refer to themselves as "professionals," end up giving as little effort as possible and after over promising, they under deliver. I've had to deal with these unfortunate circumstances in my past, which is most likely why I tend to be more guarded than many other people.
AJ understood my hesitations and he had the ability to put me at ease and even earn my trust, which is admittedly, not an easy task. I recommend AJ to any & everyone that is in need of excellent service from someone that's personable, genuine and exceeds at his job title. I'm actually unsure what his title even is, because they guy does like EVERYTHING!
To be blunt I don't have 1 bad thing to say about AJ or #SocialMedia312, which for me, saying nothing IS saying a LOT!
However, I have no words to describe nor express my profoundly positive, & in many ways an experience that offered me a rebirth, in the sense, that allowed me to be vulnerable & give what little trust I could pretend I had, which finally allowed me realize that the "fake it till ya make it," approach, which turns out can really work when one allows themselves to let go & give the all the stress, chaos & anxiety that goes along with being a control freak to someone capable & worthy or one's trust I not only began to learned how to trust again (for real), but in hindsight, I can't see it working so well with anyone else, nor gaining the personal growth I was able to achieve by simply surrounding myself with the right people. This is one of the most important things that anyone striving for success can do in order to achieve their goals.
For me personally, this was a life altering experience & I'd refer AJ to anyone, both with confidence & with out hesitation.
It's important for me to point out the fact that AJ (Anzour Jallouga) made it possible for me to continue moving forward with the "business side" of this industry, which is obviously important, because without it there is no financial gain nor stability & with out that, an Artist has no way to even support themselves, let alone be fabulous in the process.
My overall experience has been unprecedented and extraordinary. No, like this guy (AJ) would literally say & suggest things as I was thinking them! He's amazing & he helped me more that he may even know.
There are good people out there that are actually amazing at their jobs and truly care about the people with whom they are working. I was really lucky when I was referred to @SocialMedia312 & I hope this review will enable someone else, with the reservations that I had, to just let go of any anxiety or hesitation they may have and reach out to Social Media 312 ASAP!!
*Ask for AJ if he's available. Seriously! ?